Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Cry me a river...

Today I cried. It wasn't one of those good cry's where you are in your bed sobbing into your pillow. It was at work and it was for a stupid reason. I haven't had an emotional real cry since I left home and that now infamous night at Peakes (long story short...lights came on at Peakes, tears came down my face). Don't get me wrong...when I cry at Grey's Anatomy, it's real but not my disapointment type of crying I'm used to. I've been sick with a sinus cold for a couple of days. It's been not know that yellow snot that never ends...yeah I got that. My nose is raw from the constant blowing of it. I found out that I had another Thursday and Friday off this week and thought to's payweek and I deserve something...I'm FINALLY going to Calgary. So our paychecks usually come on of 1pm, they hadn't arrived. Alyssia came over to work for a moment and asked me why I looked so glum. I explained, I wanted to take my paycheck to Calgary to do some good winter clothes shopping. Then it started...chin wobbling...tears welling...I started to cry. She told me not to worry and that it would pan out. I stepped away from the desk for a moment and started to bawl uncontrollably. Was it because I had been emailing for the past 2 days with Nance and Nelle about our plans or because I had been playing tasha and I's favorite game over work email all day? Did I miss home or hate where I was? What was with the crying?! Not even 10 minutes later, the purolator man showed up and I started crying again. My boss was like dear god need a cocktail. I told her not to worry, now that I had a big fat paycheck under my arm...there would be many cocktails. Smiles again...just a 25 minute breakdown!!


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Oh, my poor, dear, sensitive Shan! I know the feeling all to well. Too bad the Purolator guy didn't deliver cocktails as well! Have a fun weekend, hope you have lots of stories to tell when you get back!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger Nancy said...

I'm seeing you in about 2 hours. You'd betta not cry then! Only happy tears. Wooo PEI reunion TANIGHT!


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